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Pro Managed WordPress

Make your WordPress business more profitable with hosting that automated time-consuming site building and maintenance tasks.

DeveloperUp to 5 sites

$ 99

Per Month

Up to 25 sites and packed with pro features.

  • 25 websites
  • 250 GB storage
  • 5,000,000 monthly visitors
  • SSH/SFTP Access
  • One-click staging
$ 249.84 / per month

ProUp To 25 websites

$ 19.99

Per Month

cPanel Hosting that’s easy, reliable and lightning-fast.

  • 1 website
  • 30 GB storage
  • Unmetered bandwidth*

*We don’t limit the amount of storage and bandwidth your site can use as long as it complies with our Hosting Agreement. Should your website bandwidth or storage usage present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will notify you via email and you may be required to upgrade, or we may restrict the resources your website is using. It’s very rare that a website violates our Hosting Agreement and is typically only seen in sites that use hosting for file sharing or storage.

$ 3.99 / per month

Every website comes fully loaded.

Automatically install WordPress, Activates daily backups, Create a staging site, and Advance Secureity scanning on every site. All in under 2 minutes.

Built for optimum WordPress performance.

Deliver Fast Performance with multiple caching layers, PHP 7. x, CDN, and 100% resource isolation.

Get expert support whenever you need it.

Our customer support team works 24/7, so they’re always there to resolve issues and keep your sites work optimally.

Key Features

FlickMax makes building websites easier than ever before.

Daily backups & one-click restore.

Enable 90-day backups with the option to schedule, create on-demand and/or download them.

Malware scan powered by Sucuri.

Our website security offers site protection with automated daily malware scans to alert you to any malicious activity.

CDN & Multiple caching layers.

No more messing with CDN and caching plugins. We handle it all for you at the server level.

Automated WordPress core updates.

Every site updates to the latest, most secure WordPress version, every time.

SSH access with WP-CLI and GIT.

Let your command-line skills fly with advanced tools to get tasks done quickly.

All Site Management Tools

At a glance, know which site need updating so you can take care of it with one click. Get real-time performance, security and uptime monitoring for all your websites.
FlickMax Single Site Plans

Powerful tools come standard.

Even if you only host a single WordPress site with FlickMax, all our WordPress hosting plans include all the same premium site-management features through our free FlickMax Pro program.

View Single Site Plans